Want to know how to use your SimplyClean products for multiple uses?

Save buying extra occasional-use products by using your SimplyClean products for multiple purposes around the home. Here's how.
Lime Spray & Wipe....is great for getting grime off everything, and we use it in every aspect of cleaning our kitchen, including the oven and hotplate, to remove stubborn foodstuffs, grease and grime.

But how about using it as a Stainless Steel Cleaner. Click here to learn how to use Lime Spray & Wipe to clean away fingerprints and marks, and bring your stainless steel to a shine.
Fragrance Free Stain Remover & Sanitiser....is a powerful laundry stain remover you can use for pre-wash soaking and in-wash, and it will sanitise your wash too. Mix it with water to create paste for use as a pre-wash spot stain remover, and on sweat marks and collar stains.
But see how amazing it is for removing coffee and tea stains, and freshening up your keep cup and even your cups at home. Add a teaspoon to your keep cup, add boiling water and soak for a few hours. Then rinse away to a sparkling, freshness.
Lemon Myrtle and Mandarin Dishwash Liquids...are both super for washing the dishes (as you'd expect) and for a general wipe over of surfaces in the kitchen.
But dilute it down a little further, using cold water and you have the ideal, totally safe Fruit & Vege Wash. Either scent works well but our personal favourite is the mandarin - yum. Wash away those nasty pesticide,s as well as dirt and bugs from your produce.
Click here to watch our how to video